Into 2025 and the first issue of the year has great news for Wooburn Green Primary School on the front page along with Georgia Carmichael’s meeting with HRH Catherine, Princess of Wales. A great way to start a new year.
Events at the Community Centre feature on the first few pages as Target’s layout has changed with this issue. The aim is to feature information about events at the Community Centre as a first-read when the magazine drops through your door. Hope you approve of the change. On page 8 the Parish Council report the success of their Christmas Tree chipping service and those chips will be used throughout the parish over the year. Sadly they have to report that vandalism has meant the closure of the toilets in Wooburn Park but on a positive note two new councillors have signed up to serve the community.
A must-read feature on page 10 explains the new Ward boundaries and how they affect our area. It is in time for the local elections taking place in May 2025. Do read them to understand what has changed. Then on page 11 there’s an update on Hollands Farm with details of three new planning applications relating to access and other issues. On page 14 there’s a report from the Friends of Bourne End Library offering space at a fabulous workshop during half term that will result in a very special window being created in April. Little Marlow Parish Council report on the same page with the news that they have been granted Rule 6 status and could make a report to the Film Studio Appeal.
Pages 17 and 18 will bring back memories of Fun Night just before Christmas and a lovely evening for village friends to get together. Marjorie Flanagan is remembered on page 20 as so many of you will recall the smiley headteacher from Westfield School. Many will miss her for the fun she brought to any event. Bourne End Junior Sports Club report on page 21 has news of a grant to make much-needed sports club refurbishments. But look for the sting-in-the-tail as they have to match funding. Ben has a group of fitness enthusiasts from Wooburn Bales to get together regularly for exercises and fun.
River News is on page 23 as the breeding season starts on a very high water level. Then the happy vocalists from Sing Your Pain Away feature on page 27 as they celebrate getting together ten years ago. Lighthearted reviews are on page 29 and Past Times on page 32 starts a royal history of Wooburn Green. On Page 33 it’s all about baking and fund raising as Rosie O’Hagan staged her own Bake-Onto to raise money for St Paul’s School and church. It might also have been about glasses of wine and lots of fun for those who supported her. Plus other regular features and a useful calendar for the two months of February and March. A great start to a new year.
Target Magazine is published every 2 months by Bourne End (Bucks) Community Association and is distributed free to around 5,000 households.
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