Easyfundraising provides a simple way to donate to Bourne End Community Centre whilst shopping online at thousands of retailers.
Easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into free donations for Bourne End Community Centre. Just start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal. Retailers will then make a small donation to say “thank you”. There's over 4,514 retailers to choose from. Stores include Amazon, Argos, Booking.com, ebay,. John Lewis, Marks & Spencer, Vikung, Expedia, DirectLine, Tesco, Just Eat,Sky, Asos, Vodafone, Boots, Boden, Currys/PCWorld, ao and thousands of others.
All you have to do is go to easyfundraising and click on "Support this cause", register and shop online via Easyfundraising.
Just remember when shopping online to go to your favourite stores via easyfundraising to ensure a donation is made to Bourne End Commuity Centre.