BEBOPSS Logo The February meeting of the Bourne End One Place Study Society will be a talk by Kirsty Gray "Tracing the History of a Community". This will be on Thursday 20th Feb 2025 in the Target Room at The Community Centre.



This talk will provide information on how to conduct a one place study of a local community such as Bourne End and will be in the Target Room at Bourne End Community Centre starting at 20:00.

Kirsty has been involved in the world of genealogy from a very early age. With her mother, she researched her maternal family history from the 1980s and soon found the fascinating surname of Sillifant in her paternal lineage which took her considered attention. Kirsty has continued from a rookie to a fully-fledged professional genealogist, business owner, heir tracer, TV/radio personality, Genealogy Show Director, and more besides. Kirsty was one of the founders of the One Place Study Society and lectures about Local History research.

This talk is free for BEBOPSS members (no ticket required) and tickets (availablke on the door) are £4 for non-members.

Rover Thames at Bourne End

Postcard of the River Thames at Bourne End

This is a talk run by the Bourne End Bucks One Place Study Society.

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