
centreTalks have been running since 2014 and are held on the 3rd Thursday each month (except August and December). We have a varied program of subjects with some very entertaining and imformative speakers.
The talks are open to everyone. Tickets cost £5 with a £1 discount for Community Association members and a further £1 discount if tickets are purchased in advance either from the Community Centre office or online.


20210318 pompeiiIn March The Muddy Archaelogist, Gillian Hovell, will talk about Pompeii: A Product of its Time. An exploration of how the art and artefacts found in the homes and streets of Roman Pompeii reveal life 2,000 years ago. The talk is on Thursday 18th March 2021 at 20:00. This is an online talk delivered via Zoom.

 20210415 TV Quiz ShowsFor our April Talk Faith Powell gives an entertaining account of her exploits on TV quizes. The talk is on Thursday 15th April 2021 at 20:00. This is an online talk delivered via Zoom.

 20210121 PA2 100pxWe start the new year with Peta Allingham talking about her travels through Europe in her "quirky" car on Thursday 21st January 2021 at 20:00. This is an online talk delivered via Zoom

20201008 Thames Frost Fair

Weatherman Ian Currie talks about 1000 years of famous winters including the freezing of the River Thames and the remarkable events that took place on the ice. This is an online talk via Zoom.

20201112 Bletchley Park

Michael Kushner makes a welcome return in November with a talk entitled "The Journey to Station X" which covers the history of Bletchley Park and formation of signals intelligence up to and throughout WW2. This is an online talk via Zoom.


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February's centreTalk is by keen historian, walker and photographer, Russell Cherry, who takes us on a photographic journey along the Ridgeway, an ancient trackway that has been used for over 5000 years.

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For our centreTalk in March we have Tony Earle talking about the history of the London Underground. Tony will explain the history of "The Tube" from its creation in the 1860s to the present day.

20191114 Woodturning

November's centreTalk is about the local craft of chairmaking. Hear about the heritage of the making of the world famous Windsor Chair

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October's centreTalk by Keith Parry is about the millionaires who have lived along the River Thames from Temple to Taplow.

This website is copyright Bourne End (Bucks) Community Association and contributors. Copyright 2016 - today