
centreTalks have been running since 2014 and are held on the 3rd Thursday each month (except August and December). We have a varied program of subjects with some very entertaining and imformative speakers.
The talks are open to everyone. Tickets cost £5 with a £1 discount for Community Association members and a further £1 discount if tickets are purchased in advance either from the Community Centre office or online.


20170713 centreTalks Cookham 1852Sorry you have missed this centreTalk. Cookham and Maidenhead are separated by acres of National Trust commons. In the early 19th century there was quite a battle over ownership and rights and the implications are still with us today.

centreTalks 20171109 MarkLewisSorry you have missed this centreTalk. This talk explores how our colourful Christmas traditions and customs came into being and how they are celebrated.



centreTalks 20170413 FlorenceNightingale thumbnail Sorry you have missed this centreTalk. April's centreTalk is by Paul Whittle and is about Florence Nightingale who as Paul will explain was much more than "The Lady with the Lamp".

centreTalks 20170511 JohnLewisSorry you have missed this centreTalk. In May Judy Faraday will talk about the history of John Lewis. John Lewis is over 150 years old and is a well known retailer across the country. This talk will cover its growth and development covering the people, places and events which have led to its current size, employing over 90,000 people from Aberdeen to Saltash.

centreTalks 20170309 handwriting Sorry you have missed this centreTalk. In March's centreTalk Elaine Quigley will talk about Graphology.

This website is copyright Bourne End (Bucks) Community Association and contributors. Copyright 2016 - today