
centreTalks have been running since 2014 and are held on the 3rd Thursday each month (except August and December). We have a varied program of subjects with some very entertaining and imformative speakers.
The talks are open to everyone. Tickets cost £5 with a £1 discount for Community Association members and a further £1 discount if tickets are purchased in advance either from the Community Centre office or online.


The Kings Head Pub SignSorry you have missed this centreTalk. "Pub Crawl - The Taverns of England" by Vic Botterill. It’s nice to go for a drink in a traditional pub. Have you ever wondered why so many have unusual signs?

Peter Smith Sorry you have missed this centreTalk. Peter Smith has been making scale models of Royal State Coaches since 1971. They are exact replicas, right down to the number of buttons on leather seats and coats of arms. Coach ceilings are in silk and the Irish State Carriage has an Indian sunburst pattern that you can only see by opening the working door and shining a torch inside. Each coach takes close to a year to build.

Fingerprints To DNA Sorry you have missed this centreTalk.The development of fingerprinting and the use of DNA in crime solving.



Harvey Watson WW1 London ZepellinSorry you have missed this centreTalk. 'Death from Above' - Zeppelin raids in the 1st World War is a talk by Harvey Watson. When the 1st World War began in 1914 for the first time warfare spread to a new dimension as both sides used aeroplanes and airships to spy on the enemy.

Ralph Durbridge ArcticSorry you have missed this centreTalk. Ralph Durbridge's life and expedition experience from the Brecon Beacons to British Guyana, from the heat and humidity of the jungle to the frozen Arctic.

20180308 centreTalk Mike Payne Pinewood

Sorry you have missed this centreTalk. Pinewood studios are where James Bond and Harry Potter were filmed but this was also where Genevieve, The Red Shoes, The Da Vinci Code and many Carry On films were made. Hear Mike Payne tell about the history of these world famous studios.

20180208 SpiesLiesXXAgents Sorry you have missed this centreTalk. During WW2 we captured every single German spy that was sent to Britain. This completely brilliant true story can now be told. But you will have to disengage your disbelief.


centreTalks 20171012 David Scott talks about High Wycombe And AviationSorry you have missed this centreTalk. Luis Bleriot lived in Bourne End, Wycombe’s furniture makers switched to aircraft manufacture in WW2. David Scott talks about the area’s contribution to aviation documented in his book.



20170914 centreTalks AbbeyRoad Crossing BeatlesSorry you have missed this centreTalk. Most people when they hear "Abbey Road" immediately think of The Beatles but the studios have been used by top artists ever since Edward Elgar made the first recording there in 1931.

This website is copyright Bourne End (Bucks) Community Association and contributors. Copyright 2016 - today