BucksFHS 20230411 Dating Old Photographs

Unfortunately Tom Doig who was to talk about dating your old family photographs is unwell and cannot make it. As a late replacement Tony Sargeant has stepped in to talk about Charity and the use of WIlls. The Tom Doig talk will be rescheduled. This Southern Branch meeting is on Tuesday 11th April at Bourne End Community Centre and starts at on 19:45 (Doors open at 19:30)

Giving to charity through wills has been happening for centuries. There have been changes over the years following the break with the catholic church by Henry VIII. Why people made bequests provides an interesting way of understanding our ancestors. Tony Sargeant discusses some of the reasons for this, the changes that occurred using the people of Colnbrook as examples.

20230411 Dating Old Photographs


This is a talk run by the Buckinghamshire Family History Society in the Eghams Room at Bourne End Community Centre starting at 19:45 (doors open at 19:30).

Visitors are very welcome. Entrance is free for members or £2 for non-members (or why not take out an annual membership from as little as £6).

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