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In March we welcome Kathy Chater who will discuss "Institutions in the Census". This meeting is on Tuesday 11th March in the Eghams Room at Bourne End Community Centre.



Finding a missing ancestor in the censuses can be a frustrating problem: was he or she in an institution on the night? Tips to locate elusive individuals.

Kathy Chater has been tracing her own ancestry for over forty years. She is the author of Tracing Your Huguenot Ancestors (2012); The Reformation in 100 Facts (2016); My Ancestor Was A Lunatic (2014) and Tracing Your Family Tree in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales (2nd ed. 2008). She also contributes articles and reviews on social and family history to magazines and websites.




This is a talk run by the Buckinghamshire Family History Society in the Eghams Room at Bourne End Community Centre starting at 19:45 (doors open at 19:30).

Visitors are very welcome. Entrance is free for members or £2 for non-members (or why not take out an annual membership from as little as £6).

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