thumbnail brickmakers

For our first meeting in 2025 David Cufley will be talking baout "Trades and Occupations sources". This meeting is on Tuesday 14th January in the Eghams at Bourne End Community Centre..



In this talk David explores methods available to research trades using examples for brickmakers, ratcatchers and calico printers.

David leads workshops and gives talks to family history and local history societies. A member of the Guide of One Name Studies and a number of other Family history Societies. He has researched his family since the late 1960s. 




This is a talk run by the Buckinghamshire Family History Society in the Eghams Room at Bourne End Community Centre starting at 19:45 (doors open at 19:30).

Visitors are very welcome. Entrance is free for members or £2 for non-members (or why not take out an annual membership from as little as £6).

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